Chinatown Then and Now: Gentrification in Boston, New York and Philadelphia (A report by by AALDEF)
“Preserve and Protect Chinatown” by Peter Kwong and Sam Stein
“Reimagining Rezoning: A Chinatown for Residents is a Chinatown for All” A report by CAAAV
The Plan for Chinatown and Surrounding Areas: Preserving Affordability & Authenticity , Chinatown Working Group Plan
“The Jail, The Police, The People’s Chinatown” A zine by Serena Yang (printed by Chinatown Art Brigade with support from The Laundromat Project)
NYC ORGANIZATIONS (not an exhaustive list):
CAAAV Organizing Asian Communities - Chinatown Tenants Union
GOLES: Good Old Lower East Side
BAN (Brooklyn Anti Gentrification Network)
FUREE (Families United for Racial and Economic Equality)
Crown Heights Tenants Union
Movement to Protect the People
Equality for Flatbush
Picture the Homeless
Tenants & Neighbors
MayDay Space: Derecho A Tech (Right to a Roof)
Coalition to Protect Chinatown & Lower East Side
Queens Neighborhoods United
Hate Free Zones (Queens)
NYC Housing Help
Am I Rent Stabilized?
Met Council on Housing
Brooklyn Legal Services Online Resources for New York City Tenants and Housing Advocate
New York Basic Tenant Rights
Brooklyn Housing & Family Services
Churches United for Fair Housing
“The Case for Reparations” by Ta-Nehisi Coates
“Rebel Cities” by David Harvey
“Right to the City” Article by David Harvey
“New York for Sale” by Tom Angotti
“The Assassination of New York” by Bob Fitch
“Root Shock: Root Shock: How Tearing Up City Neighborhoods Hurts America, and What We Can Do About It” by Dr. Mindy Fullilove
“When Affirmative Action Was White” by Ira Katznelson
“The New Urban Frontier: Gentrification and the Revanchist City” by Neil Smith
“Gentrification of the Mind” by Sarah Schulman
Zoned Out! Race, Displacement, and City Planning in New York City by Tom Angotti and Sylvia Morse
"You Can't Evict a Movement" by Conor Tomás Reed, Manissa McCleave Maharawal and Alma Sheppard-Matsuo
"The Spaces of Gentrification" by Michael R. Allen
"The Connection Between the Arts and Neighborhood Diversity" by Richard Florida
Making a Global Immigrant Neighborhood: Brooklyn's Sunset Park by Tarry Hum
“Battle For Brooklyn” by Michael Galinsky, Suki Hawley
“Rezoning Harlem”
“My Brooklyn” by Kelly Anderson
“It Took 50” by Ryan Joseph & David Powell
“El Barrio Tours”
“Gut Renovation” by Su Friedrich
“The Pruitt-Igoe Myth”
“Changing Face of Harlem” by Shawn Batey
“Break and Enter aka Squatters (Third World Newsreel collection/library)
CHINATOWNS BEYOND NYC (groups engaged in anti-displacement work):
Asian Americans United (Philadelphia)
Asian Pacific Environmental Network (Oakland)
Chinese Progressive Association (San Francisco)
Community Tenants Association (San Francisco)
Chinese Community Development Center (San Francisco)
Chinatown Community for Equitable Development (Los Angeles)
Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center (Boston)
Chinese Progressive Association (Boston)
Chinatown Action Group (Vancouver)
Chinatown Concern Group (Vancouver)
Humbows Not Hotels (Seattle)
Sites of Mass Displacement: A Chinatown Gentrified by Galleries (2016), design and research by Liz Moy
Research & design by Liz Moy
CAB Pledge addressing Manhattan Chinatown’s galleries
in response to over 100+ gallery openings in Chinatown over the past decade, authored by members of Chinatown Art Brigade
Chinatown Art Brigade #J20 Statement at the Whitney Museum
CAB Solidarity Statement in support of BHAAD (Boyle Heights Against Artwashing & Displacement) at the Whitney Museum (NYC)
CAB Statement on Omer Fast exhibit at James Cohan Gallery in Chinatown, NYC - October 2017
Follow-up response to James Cohan gallery’s statement