Photo: Louis Chan

Photo: Louis Chan

Chinatown Art Brigade Statements


A pledge to commercial galleries
authored by members of Chinatown Art Brigade in response to over 100+ gallery openings in Chinatown over the past decade

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Copy of NewPledge.jpg

Sites of Mass Displacement: A Chinatown Gentrified by Galleries

Research and design by Liz Moy

Research and design by Liz Moy

CAB Statement for #J20 Art Strike at the Whitney Museum

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J20 Art Strike Statement pg2.jpg

Solidarity Statement for BHAAD at the Whitney Museum

Chinatown Art Brigade Solidarity Statement in support of BHAAD.jpg

Omar Fast exhibit at James Cohan Gallery in Chinatown, NYC - October 2017

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Follow-up response to James Cohan gallery’s statement

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